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4 April, 2009 - wXw in Troisdorf, Germany
Rene Dupree was a surprise guest at xWX's Saturday Gorefest in Troisdorf, Germany.
Dan Marshall def. Darksoul-DQ, (Marshall wins after 2 minutes as Rene Dupree intervenes causing DQ) leading to the next match -
1a. Dan Marshall Trial Series: Dan Marshall & Karsten Beck def. Darksoul & Rene Dupree via rollup by Dan on Darksoul
Adam Polak b Lazio, David Taylor b Zack Sabre Jr.,Marc Roudin b Sternau,
Bad Bones b Sami Callihan,
Drake Younger b Danny Havoc.
Local authorities were alerted and the promotion was forced to scrap a 'fans bring the weapons' stipulation for the main event. They also are banning anyone under 18 from attending the evening show tonight because of the ultraviolent style of matches being promoted (thanks to Timo Knopf)
"Der Kerl sieht aus wie Duprée... halt..."
"That guy looks like Dupree ... HANG ON ..."
Das Auftauchen von Rene Dupree war eine absolute Überraschung und hat einige sehr gefreut.
Ist ja vielleicht nun ein Running Gag, dass nach Brodie und Dupree unangekündigt Leute die Matches zerstören? ;-)
Rene Dupree was an absolute surprise, and very popular with the fans
Its perhaps now a running gag that, according to Brodie and Dupree, unannounced matches destroy people? ;-)
Ich hoffe Dupree kann auch für weitere Shows gebookt werden, würde ihn gerne mal in der wXw sehen.
I hope Dupree can be used for more shows - I'd like to see him in wXw more.
Before the show I saw a couple of musclebound wrestlers in the dressing room and thought to myself, I know them from somewhere. Turned out, it was Darksoul and Rene Dupree -Rene has hardly changed - it was great that Marshall was allowed the pin
Schon vor der Show sah ich in der Umkleide kurz einen muskelbepackten Wrestler und dachte mir so, dass ich den irgendwoher kenne. Letztlich war es also Dupree Darksoul also auch mal wieder da, er hat sich ja in den Jahren kaum verändert wie ich finde Schön, dass Marshall den Pin anbringen konnte
I've really enjoyed both shows yesterday. Awesome line up and the atmosphere was matching.
- wXw's booking
- The return of Darksoul
- Booking a former WWE star [Rene Dupree] as a surprise for the fans
- Rene Dupree - a former WWE "superstar", yet (almost) no one has recognized him.