Killarney, Ireland
Rene Dupree vs Joe E Legend.
images property of EdK
"The Killarney crowd were pretty much dead. The wrestlers had to work really hard to get any reaction whatsoever and the lack of reaction hurt a lot of the matches."

My First Wrestling Show!
Last night I went to my first wrestling show.... ever! Ireland isn't a country huge into wrestling and we never really had wrestling shows coming here in the past. Well AWR (American Wrestling Rampage) came to my town last night and it was epic!
First match was great fun. This guy Justin Shape came out to cut a promo to piss everyone off (which was great, he was a total douchebag!) and then Scotty 2 Hotty comes out to face him! Good fun, with Scotty doing all his familiar spots. I was shouting along to the worm pretty much on my own which was.... kinda embarrassing but hey, it was my first show!
Second match was pretty good, nice wrestling. Triple threat between Shawn Maxtor, M Dogg 20 and Dunken Disorderly. Though the highlight of this match was while we were watching it, we were up on the balcony like above the ring, and i turn around and see Rob Van Dam walking behind me! So we said hi, shook hands and all that and.... it was damn cool! Then the action really started. X-Pac vs Sabu!!! Great match and it was brilliant to see these two guys live. Sabu picked up the win after he put X-Pac through a table. Best match of the night came though with Suicide Machine taking on 'Lord of the Manor' Paul Tracy. it was like... Irish guy against an aristocratic, English landlord type Well most of our gang being English born, we were the only ones cheering for Tracy but it was such a fantastic match! Tracy surprisingly managed to pick up the after Suicide Machine accidentally kicked his (extremely hot) valet in the face. You know... I probably never marked out so hard in my life than when Tracy won
AWR Championship on the line next with Rene Dupree (Champion) taking on Joe E. Legend. Rene was great in this match, doing the old dance and 'I do not SUCK!!!" routine. it also looked like he spat at a child in the audience at one point which is... a good way to get heat! Dupree picked up the win after hitting Legend with the belt.
Then the main event. Brilliant match between two ECW originals, RVD and Kid Kash. Kid Kash went around threatening kids and tearing up their signs/merchandise and all the kids actually hated him with every fibre of their being. RVD kicked **** as always and won with an epic five star frog splash. Brilliant show all round. It was cool to meet RVD (though meeting 'Lord of the Manor" Paul Tracy was possibly just as cool. He seemed shocked people stopped to talk to him when X-Pac and Sabu were a few feet away ). Wrestling is so much better live it's ridiculous! Hopefully more shows come our way from now on