M-Dogg 20 w/ Rachel St. Clare beat the Omen
Joe E. Legend defeated Paul Tracey
Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Kid Kash
Dunkan Disorderly defeated Shawn Maxer & Suicide Machine to become the new AWR "no limits" champion
Rene Dupree beat X-Pac by DQ to remain AWR Champ
RVD beat Sabu in an Extreme Rules match
Michael Campbell reports
"AWR Title Match
Renee Dupree © vs. X-Pac
Dupree’s acquired quite a few tattoos nowadays, and looked in fantastic shape. The AWR strap, which he was recently awarded, looks superb. Kinda like a cross between the Shimmer and WWE world titles. X-Pac got a great reception coming out, but there was no heat for this bout. The combination of the excitement over Dunkan’s title win, and the earlier angle had seemingly left the kids in attendance knackered...... These two worked hard, but the ending of their title match was somewhat clumsy. The ref got bumped, and the Champ attempted to use the belt, but failed. Waltman used it instead, but stupidly had the belt in his hands when he roused the ref and attempted to pin Dupree. The match then seemed to end in the eyes of Pac, who knocked out the ref, but it wasn’t really made clear to the crowd for a few moments. Messy, but the fans popped for Waltman’s antics nonetheless."