Friday, February 5, 2010

All Japan to partner with AWR

全日本が世界進出へAWRと提携 - 格闘技ニュース

All Japan Pro Wrestling has announced that it will partner with American Wrestling Rampage, a professional wrestling group based in Ireland , as part of its planned global expansion. According to All Japan's Public Relations Director Uchida, All Japan sees it major future Asian expansion occurring in Taiwan. In Europe it hopes to work alongside AWR which has run several successful tours in Europe (Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Eastern Europe) featuring stars such as RVD, Sabu and Rene Dupree. Joey Cabray, representing AWR said he had high expectations of the relationship with All Japan. Although details have not yet been decided, it is likely to initially center on talent exchanges.


 全日本は22日、アイルランドを本拠地とするプロレス団体AWRと提携することを発表した。世界進出の一環で、内田取締役は広報を通じ「アジアで は台湾で興行を行っており、今後も世界に目を向けていきたい」と経緯を説明。具体的内容は決まっていないが、人材交流が中心となりそうだ。
