Saturday, November 13, 2010


AndréTHEgiant watched the Bordeaux show and reported in F'N forum that the big name stars, perhaps jet lagged, were sleepwalking through their matches leaving the under card to provide all the eneregy and excitement. Here's his original report in French with an English translation following ....

Résultats Bordeaux du 10 novembre

Sandman def. Justin Shape: A part l'entrée du Sandman, pas grand chose à dire, match trés court, proche du Comedy Wrestling.

No Limits Championship Match
Daïvari def. Delicious Dunkan (c): Un bon match, bien rythmé, avec deux lutteurs qui se sont bien donnés. Victoire dirty de Daïvari.

Christian Raber & April Hunter def. Paul Tracy & Shanna: Pas grandiose mais pas désagréable. Raber à un beau physique et une bonne présence, il pourrait faire quelque chose sur le circuit indépendant.

Kaï def Pac: Un peu court mais un trés bon combat entre Pac toujours ausssi bondissant et Kaï, efficace dans son rôle de Heel.

Steel Cage Match
Scott Steiner def. Booker T: Franchement pas terrible. Malgré un brawl de départ à l'extérieur, une fois dans la cage, ça se calme. Service minimum pour Scott Steiner, Booker en donne un peu plus, heureusement parce que sinon ça valait zéro.

Triple Threat Match
Omen def. Shawn Maxer & Johnny Moss:Ca remonte un peu le niveau mais c'est pas top non plus. Shawn Maxer est le meilleur des trois, rapide, technique et aérien.

Main Event
La Resistance (René Duprée & Sylvain Grenier) def The world greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas): Là encore, assez décevant. Sheltie B. et Charlie ménent en bon Heel en se concentrant sur Sylvain puis entrée en jeu de Renée et victoire rapide. Trés moyen, en étant indulgent.

Au niveau du In-Ring, la première partie du show est bien meilleur que la deuxième. Les stars sont là pour toucher leur cachet et font le minimum. Les autres donnent des combats beaucoup plus convaincants.
Heureusement qu'entre les matchs, on a quelques bons moments, notamment la présentation de Booker qui commence au micro comme un Face avant de demander aux gamins contre les barrières de reculer d'un pas car il ne veut surtout pas être touché par eux, surtout le petit Punk en T-Shirt blanc. Il descend ensuite du ring et va insulter le pauvre petit gars.
Dans l'ensemble, un show moyen mais quand on habite Bordeaux, on a peu d'occasion de voir de la lutte, donc on apprécie quand même.

English Version - Results of the November 10 Bordeaux

Sandman def. Justin Shape: Apart from the Sandman's entrance, not much to say, very short match, close Wrestling Comedy.

No Limits Championship Match
Daivari def. Delicious Dunkan (c): A good match, well paced, with two wrestlers who gave it their all. Daivari wins with a foul.

Christian Raber & April Hunter def. Paul Tracy & Shanna: Not great but not too bad. Raber has a fine physique and a good presence; he could do something big on the independent circuit.

Kai def. Pac: A bit short but a very good fight between Pac always in the air and Kai, effective in his role as Heel.

Steel Cage Match
Scott Steiner def. Booker T: Honestly, not too good. Despite a wild brawl starting out, once in the cage, it all settled down. Minimum effort by Scott Steiner, with Booker giving a little more, fortunately because otherwise it was worthless.

Triple Threat Match
Omen def. Shawn Maxer & Johnny Moss: This gtws things back on course but it's not top level either. Shawn Maxer is the best of three, fast, technical and flying.

Main Event
La Resistance (Rene Dupree & Sylvain Grenier) defeated The Worlds Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas): Again, very disappointing. Sheltie B. and Charlie are the heels, focusing first on Sylvain then Rene comes into play for a quick victory. Speaking kindly, it was very average.

In-Ring, the first part of the show is much better than the second. The stars are there to collect their money and do the minimum. The others give a much more compelling performance.
Fortunately there are some nice touches between matches, including Booker on the microphone asking the kids at the barrier tostep back because he does not want to be touched by them, especially the little Punk in the white T-Shirt. He then comes down from the ring to insult the poor kid.
Overall, an average show, but when you live in Bordeaux, there is little opportunity to live wrestling that we appreciate it anyway.