The AWR title match between Rene Dupree (c) and Rob Van Dam got the expected reaction, and proved to be spectacular, seasoned by the intervention of two K1 fighters. This outside interference was another characteristic element of this fantastic show.
For me the match was an unforgettable experience, and by pure luck I was also booked into the same hotel as the wrestlers, sitting in their company until later in the night after the show. The wrestlers outside the ring were incredibly modest, honest and straightforward, eager in conversation, inviting me to their table, exchanging opinions and shouting drinks. Shawn Maxer showed me his talent at pool, in two games, one win for me and one for him. Sean Waltman had a superb character, his behavior and things he told me, led me to say to him "Man, you're a great person."
Rene Dupree, a man as nice, very nice, despite the fact that in real life he seems at first sight, but only at first sight, a stiff neck.....
Raven didn't make any appearance at the bar. He left his room somewhere in a taxi, along with Dupree. When they returned, Raven went directly to his room, but Dupree stayed with us, giving me the opportunity to see what a great guy he is..." (source The Hate Machine,
Lupta pentru centura AWR dintre Rene Dupree si Rob Van Dam a starnit reactiile scontate,fiind un meci spectaculos,asezonat si cu o interventie din partea a doi luptatori de K1. Se putea si fara interventia respectiva,dar nu pot sa spun nici ca a fost nepotrivita,punctand inca un element caracteristic acestui spectacol fantastic,outside interference.
Pentru mine a fost o experienta de neuitat,asta si pentru ca din pur noroc am nimerit la acelasi hotel cu ei,stand in compania lor pana tarziu,in noaptea de dupa gala.Wrestlerii din afara ringului erau niste oameni incredibil de modesti,sinceri si simpli,dornici de conversatie,care m-au invitat la masa lor,schimband pareri si stand la taifasuri. Shawn Maxer mi-a demonstrat talentul lui la biliard,in doua jocuri,unul castigat de mine si unul de el. Sean Waltman mi s-a parut un om cu un caracter superb,comportarea lui si lucrurile care mi le-a spus facandu-ma sa ii spun in fata "Man,you're a great person" . Rene Dupree,un om la fel de placut,foarte de treaba,in ciuda faptului ca si in viata reala pare la prima vedere,dar doar la prima vedere,un om arogant. Nu este.RVD,Scotty,April,atat cat si piticii Mascarita Sagrada si Bracito de Plata nu au stat deloc la barul hotelului,ci au urcat direct in camere. Raven nu si-a facut nici el prea mult aparitia la bar,dupa ce a revenit din camera a plecat undeva cu un taxi,impreuna cu Dupree,ducandu-se la un club de striptease dupa cum am aflat ulterior dintr-un ziar. Cand au revenit,Raven a plecat direct in camera,Dupree insa a ramas cu noi,dandu-mi ocazia sa vad ce om minunat este