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Rene Dupree: "The hardest thing for a wrestler is to sleep at night"
December 11, 2009, 13:57
In an exclusive interview for, Canadian Rene Dupree speaks about wrestling, how sports entertainment has become popular in Eastern Europe and what advice he has for those who want to get into wrestling .
Rep: We're talking with Rene Dupree, former WWE champion team, the youngest in history. How do you like Romania?
Dupree: It's a beautiful country, I haven't had much opportunity to go out a lot, but it looks great.
Rep: How long have you been on the road?
Dupree: Far too long. On this tour, about three weeks
Rep: What's the most difficult part of being a wrestler?
Dupree: The hardest part is to get to sleep at night. Seriously
Rep: And the best part?
Dupree: Appearing in front of people.
Rep.: How do you like American Wrestling Rampage?
Dupree: It's the best company I've worked with, very professional. We're one big family.
Rep.: You work a lot in Japan. Do you prefer, Japan or Europe?
Dupree: Europe is fun, but Japan is my heaven.
Rep.: What do you like best in Japan?
Dupree: Culture, respect, landscape
Rep: What's great in Europe?
Dupree: Women!
Rep: Why do you think wrestling is so popular in Eastern Europe without any past history or wrestling tradition here?
Dupree: Wrestling is a roller-coaster. Its popularity goes up and down. Wherever you go at the moment in Europe, wrestling seems to be fashionable, but in a few years it may not be.
Rep.: Many people say that wrestling is just for Americans, Mexican or Japanese. But now it's become a global phenomenon.
Dupree: I grew up in Canada, in a wrestling family, very much like Bret Hart. We were on the east coast. For me wrestling means life. Through it, I eat and pay my bills. It's a family tradition.
Rep: For those who want to get into wrestling, would you advise them to go ahead or try something else?
Dupree: Be sure you really want to do it, because it's not an easy life. It's very difficult, and you have to make quite a few sacrifices. But if it's something that really grabs you, then go with it - otherwise, I'd suggest, stay away.
e Dupree: "Cel mai greu lucru pentru un wrestler e sa adoarma seara"
Intr-un interviu acordat in exclusivitate pentru, canadianul Rene Dupree a povestit ce inseamna pentru el wrestlingul, cum crede ca a ajuns divertismentul sportiv popular in Europa de Est si ce sfat are pentru cei ce vor sa se apuce de wrestling.
Rep: Stam de vorba cu Rene Dupree, fost campion la echipa in WWE, cel mai tanar din istorie, cum ti se pare Romania pana acum?
Dupree: E o tara frumoasa, n-am avut ocazia sa ies prea mult, dar pare in regula
Rep: De cat timp esti pe drum?
Dupree: De prea mult timp. In turneul asta? de trei saptamani
Rep: E cea mai dificila parte in a fi wrestler?
Dupree: Cea mai grea parte e sa adormi seara. Serios
Rep: Si cea mai frumoasa parte?
Dupree: Sa apari in fata oamenilor.
Rep: Cum ti se pare American Wrestling Rampage?
Dupree: E cea mai buna companie pentru care am lucrat, foarte profesionista, suntem ca o familie
Rep: Locuiesti in Japonia, ce preferi, Japonia sau Europa?
Dupree: Europa e fun, dar Japonia e raiul meu
Rep: Ce iti place mai mult in Japonia?
Dupree: Cultura, respectul, peisajul
Rep: Ce e grozav in Europa?
Dupree: Femeile!
Rep: Cum crezi c-a ajuns wrestlingul popular in Europa de Est fara a avea experienta sau traditie?
Dupree: Wrestlingul e ca un roller-coaster, creste si scade ca popularitate. Oriunde mergi, wrestlingul pare sa fie la moda. acum e popular, poate ca in cativa ani nu o sa ma fie.
Rep: Multi spun ca wrestlingul e doar pentru americani, mexicani sau japonezi. Acum insa a devenit un fenomen global.
Dupree: Eu am crescut in Canada, intr-o familie de wrestling, cam ca Bret Hart. Noi eram pe coasta de est. Pentru mine inseamna viata. Prin el mananc, prin el imi platesc facturile. E traditie.
Rep: Pentru cei ce vor sa intre in wrestling, le-ai spune sa mearga mai departe sau sa incerce altceva?
Dupree: Fiti siguri ca vreti cu adevarat sa faceti asta, pentru ca nu e o viata usoara, e foarte greu, trebuie sa faci multe sacrificii. Daca-ti place cu adevarat poti sa te-apuci, altfel stai departe.