3 Questions with Rene Dupree
Q. Rene, you’re coming back to AWR this November in France where the fans love you. This time you’ll be bringing along an old friend, Sylvan Griener. How do you feel about possibly teaming up with your former Tag Team Championship partner after all these years?
A. Should be fun. Its been about 4 years since we`ve last seen each other.
Q. As AWR Champion, you have competed against some of the top guys in the business. Many people remember your matches with Rob Van Dam from last year as being standout contests. Overall, who would you say has been your toughest opponent in AWR?
A. Yeah Rob`s probably right up there. I’d have to say him!
Q. Dead or alive, who would be your dream opponent that you have never competed against?
A. Dynamite Kid in his prime, bar none.